Kalibrační proužek
kontakt fotokokos
Puškar Pushkar
Rádžasthán, Indie Rajasthan, India
F11 - fullscreen
Pushkar - India - photo
Puškar je staré poutní město. Povátné jezero (vlevo), které bylo v r. 2009 vyschlé, je v hinduistické mytologii spjato se stvořitelem Brahmou. Puškar je jedno z mála míst, kde se tento bůh uctívá.
Pushkar is old pilgrimage town. The Holy Lake (left) was dried in 2009. The lake is known from hindu mythology relating to Creator Brahma. Pushkar is one of the few places, where Brahma is worshiped.
Pushkar - India
Pushkar - India
Pushkar - India
Pushkar - India
Pushkar - India
Višnuistický chrám v Puškaru.
Vishnu temple in Pushkar.
Pushkar - India
Pushkar - India
Pushkar - India
Pushkar - India
Tradiční rádžasthánské střevíce z velbloudí kůže.
Traditional rajasthnani shoes made from camel leather.
Pushkar - India
Pushkar - India
Pushkar - India
Pushkar - India
Čajovna u cesty.
Tea-kiosk by the way.
Pushkar - India
Pushkar - India
Výhled od chrámu Sávitrí.
Savitri temple view.
Pushkar - India
Sávitrí byla manželkou boha Brahmy.
Savitri was Brahma's wife.
Pushkar - India
po západu slunce ...
after sunset ...
Pushkar - India
Pushkar - India
Chrám bohyně Sávitrí z protějšího kopce ...
Savitri temple from opposite hill ...
Pushkar - India
... detail
Pushkar - India
Pushkar - India
Pushkar - India
Osvětlovačka svatebního průvodu :)
Bridal procession illuminator :)
Pushkar - India
V Indii bylo období svateb a každý den jich několik procházelo ulicemi.
There was a wedding season in India. Several weddings pass through town everyday.
Pushkar - India
Sikhská gurudvara v ranním oparu.
Sikh gurudwara in morning vapour.

Pushkar - India

Alexandr malý (Psittacula krameri)
Rose-ringed Parakeet (Psittacula krameri)
Pushkar - India
Rodinný dům.
Family house.
Pushkar view
Pohledy ze střešní restaurace ...
Roof restaurant views ...
Pushkar view
Pushkar - India
Pushkar - India
Břeh Brahmova jezera,
Brahma's Lake bank.
Pushkar - India
Pushkar - India
V okolí Puškaru je polopoušť, kterou obývají pastevci.
In semi-desert surrounding Pushkar live shepherds.
Pushkar - India
Za Puškarem ...
Behind Pushkar ...
... s osiřelým langurem
... with parentless monkey
Pushkar - India
Aghóra bába - jogín z řádu Náthů.
Aghora baba - Sect of Naths yogi.
Pushkar - Rajasthan - India
© Adam Dušek